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The Many Benefits of a Paperless Accounting Office

The Many Benefits of a Paperless Accounting Office

Paperless accounting assists firms with most functionality benefits, quality control, and operational efficiency.

Accounting firms generate all types of documents and have usually used loads of paper. Because accounting tends to be very paper-heavy, most firms find it hard to integrate their systems into today’s digitally-driven business space. Paperless accounting assists firms with most functionality benefits, quality control, and operational efficiency. Going paperless means converting your already existing paperwork into digital documents. It is not an easy process, as it takes careful planning, effort, and time all to pull off. However, with a proper and reliable document management service, like Micro Records, your documents can be scanned and stored away quickly. Here are some of the benefits of going paperless for your accounting firm.

Saving the Planet

Paper documents can create a massive amount of waste. With hard copy storage, you might need five copies of the same document in a few different locations. With digital documents, you can have one, simple-to-find document with no waste. Going paperless and protecting the environment with a smaller carbon footprint is always a plus. Using less paper also helps in saving trees and water, helps cut down on pollution, and cuts back on the use of other chemicals, like ink. You could also draw in some new customers when they find out you’re environmentally friendly.

Increase Collaboration

Digital tools help increase collaboration in the workplace between both your employees and clients. Going paperless leads to sharing documents, folders, and files at the click of a mouse. Multiple employees can also work on the same account at once and have instant access to the most up-to-date versions. The document management experts at Micro Records will help you index your documents so you can create editable fields on any file.

Save You Money

Going paperless can help you save money in various ways. From storage to printing expenses, digital documents can significantly reduce costs for accounting businesses. The accessibility and organization from digital archives also saves you a lot of money by cutting back the number of time employees will spend on menial tasks like looking through files. The invoicing process also becomes much quicker and more efficient, bringing money into your firm with no delay.


Anyone with a key could access paper documents inside an office. By going paperless, you drastically improve the security of your precious documents by storing them digitally. It will be no easy task for anyone to breach your data once you have digitized.

Have Questions? Micro Records is Here to Help

If you have more questions about document management software, Micro Records is here to help you with all of your needs. We can help your business to transition to a paperless way of life with outstanding e-forms and technology. For more information about how we can help you implement your new document management software, visit us online or give us a call at 877-410-SCAN. For more tips, tricks, and to see what we have been working on, be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and YouTube.

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