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Healthcare Industry

When working in the healthcare industry, you are responsible for keeping patient information organized and accessible yet private and secure. Maintaining numerous file cabinets of patient documents can slow down information access and even delay medical care. Fortunately, there is a way to increase efficiency and security. If you are ready to work with a new content management system, contact Micro Records to discover excellent products and services.

The Benefits of Enterprise Content Management Technology

Healthcare departments often receive information through paper documents, emails, faxes, and digital documents. Sorting through this information can be time-consuming and use up employees’ valuable time.

Enterprise Content Management technology creates a single, easy-to-use system that collects, organizes, and secures your department’s information. This single system can:

  • Manage data for an unlimited number of departments and users through a centralized system
  • Replace tedious paperwork with automated processes
  • Protect patient data with multiple levels of security
  • Store data in cloud technology accessible across devices and locations

Find High-Quality Products at Micro Records

At Micro Records, we take pride in bringing the best products to our customers. Employees of the healthcare industry can use products from our technology partners to build a content management system that features:

  • Document scanning services to keep paper records organized and safe from wear and tear
  • Automatic processes that increase productivity
  • Cloud storage that reduces the search time for critical information

Our partners include Digitech Systems, ST Imaging, and Filebound. Contact us today to discuss what their products can do to increase your department’s efficiency.

Cut Back On Unnecessary Expenses

When you convert to this new content management system, you can cut back on IT personnel, software, and hardware expenses. Additionally, when you transfer paper documents to electronic files, you can save costs related to physical storage and all office supplies required.

Your content management system can be set up in a day so that you can transition as efficiently as possible. In no time at all, you can enjoy the benefits of increased efficiency and patient services.

Protect Patient Information and Maintain Compliance

The healthcare industry must protect patient information and remain compliant with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). When you use enterprise content management technology, you can ensure security and compliance while building patient trust. Ultimate security is created through the use of:

  • Data encryption during data storage and transmission for protection at all stages
  • Redaction tools that limit the viewing of sensitive information and maintain patient confidentiality
  • Extensive audit trails and user action reports

The audit trails and action reports work together to provide a list of all employees who:

  • View or change a document
  • Share a document with others
  • Access patient information
  • And much more

By creating a log of all system and employee activity, you can ensure accountability and provide evidence for HIPAA compliance.

The Micro Records Document Scanning Process

Document scanning is an essential part of any enterprise content management system. Micro Records has an efficient process for scanning healthcare documents while allowing you access to files as needed.

Our document scanning process includes:

  • Document Delivery
  • Imaging Analysis
  • Document Preparation
  • Scanning
  • Data Entry
  • Quality Control
  • Media Output
  • Final Project Delivery

Contact Micro Records today to create a cost-effective and highly efficient content management system.