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Insurance Industry

If you work in insurance, you understand that there are always new claims being submitted. Addressing client concerns right away is critical for the insurance industry. People never know when they will need insurance, but they don’t want to wait long for help when they need it.

It can be challenging to process the number of documents that come with every insurance claim. When you are using a traditional, paper-based system, it can be tedious and time-consuming. Fortunately, when you work with Micro Records to create a new Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system, you can find a faster way to work.

The Efficient Advantages of Enterprise Content Management Technology

Enterprise Content Management technology builds a single, easy-to-use system that collects, organizes, stores, and secures all company data. This system can:

  • Replace tedious paperwork with automated digital processes
  • Protect your client and company data with multiple levels of security
  • Link with your existing applications and insurance databases to speed up your work processes
  • Enable work from various locations with cloud technology that lets you access information away from the office

Find Your Ideal Products at Micro Records

At Micro Records, we take pride in offering our customers only the best products and services. Members of the insurance industry can use products from our technology partners to build a system with:

  • Powerful search capabilities that let you quickly find specific policy information
  • Workflow systems that make processing insurance policies and claims much more manageable
  • Document scanning services that convert paper documents to digital and keep them safe from damage and loss

Our partners include Digitech Systems, ST Imaging, and Filebound. Contact us today if you want to learn more about what their incredible products can do for you.

Save Valuable Time and Money

In the insurance industry, you want to help your clients as soon as possible. Using your new single content management system to store your information decreases spending on IT personnel, software, and hardware. Additionally, your new content management system can be set up in as little as a day, so your workday experiences little interruption.

Guaranteed Compliance and Client Privacy

When you create a content management system with Micro Records, you ensure security for your clients and compliance with all privacy laws. Ultimate security is achieved by using:

  • Controlled document access
  • Redaction tools that can hide sensitive information
  • Data encryption during transmission and storage for total security
  • Audit trails

These audit trails can document:

  • Policy changes
  • Which agents accessed which information
  • When that information was accessed

Audit trails can provide evidence for compliance and ensure that your insurance agents are acting honestly.

The Micro Records Scanning Process

Micro Records has developed an efficient process for document scanning. When you use our scanning services, you are taking a step to protect and preserve your important documents.

Our scanning process includes:

  • Document Delivery
  • Imaging Analysis
  • Document Preparation
  • Scanning
  • Data Entry
  • Quality Control
  • Media Output
  • Final Project Delivery

Reach out to Micro Records today if you are ready to enjoy the advantages of a cost-effective, efficient, and secure content management system.