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Micro Records: The Medical Industry and Technology

According to the United States Department of Labor, the American healthcare industry comprises more than 545,000 businesses. And each one of these businesses has to juggle countless records, documents, and other medical files. Because of this and federal laws concerning patient security and privacy, more and more healthcare providers are turning to electronic medical record adoption. In fact, according to a Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) survey, implementing electronic medical record systems and redesigning processes and workflows are among the top four priorities for healthcare providers.

DigiTech Systems provides affordable, easy-to-use Enterprise Content Management (ECM) systems, such as ImageSilo and PaperVision Enterprise, that assist healthcare providers with:

• Converting paper documents to electronic format

•Centralizing records systems to more easily manage information

• Automating document routing

• Increasing productivity

•Improving efficiency

•Organizing and managing email

• Providing secure information management practices

•Simplifying information security

•Protecting patient privacy

•Building patient confidence and trust

•Tracking document history, system activity, and information disclosures

•Controlling and monitoring employee access to ensure patient privacy

•Enforcing compliance procedures

• Encrypting data at virtually every stage

As you can see, there are tons of advantages to utilizing ImageSilo and PaperVision Enterprise in the medical industry. After utilizing our DigiTech Systems services, you will wonder how you ever did business without us! So if you would like to learn more, please contact Micro Records Company, Inc. by calling 877-410-SCAN or visit!

Since 1964, Micro Records Company has been providing quality document conversion and full records management solutions to our diverse client base, which includes government, insurance, utilities, education, legal, hospitals and banks.

Micro Records is a leading document scanning services company that provides value pricing and quality document conversion deliverables. We offer document scanning, imaging and indexing services that provides “Best Value” for enabling organizations to successfully utilize the true value of information contained in paper files, resulting in increased productivity, performance and profits.

We use the latest technology to ensure our clients receive the highest quality records management solutions.

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This entry was posted on Friday, February 24th, 2012 at 4:59 pm. Both comments and pings are currently closed.