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The ST ViewScan II Makes Its Debut

ST ViewScan IIThe ST ViewScan II – the latest edition to the ST ViewScan Series of products by ST Imaging, the industry leading manufacturer of all-digital Microfilm Scanners and Scannings – made its debut at the ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. It was a hit! Attendees enjoyed seeing how simple the ST ViewScan II was to use as well as the modern design of the new product, which more than a few people, including at least one competitor, said was the “best looking microfilm scanner on the market today.”

The people were drawn to the ST ViewScan II units on display because of their brightly colored green, blue and orange exteriors. They remained at the booth after learning how simple it was to load the film. They were astonished by the easy and familiar buttons. They remarked about the ergonomic handle. They loved the USB port right on the front. And they appreciated how the software was designed with the user in mind. Many were still not aware of the ST Premium Software and were very impressed with the advanced features of ST Clip Merge and ST Annotation.

Additional Features and Benefits of the ST ViewScan II System

  1. The camera is equipped with an optical zoom lens capable of 7x to 105x that can scan to 1200 DPI.
  2. Best of all, the ST ViewScan II is easy to use and easy to learn.
  3. And so much more!
  1. An energy efficient pure white LED illumination light, optimal for film scanning.
  2. Optically clear and smooth glass to ensure the original information is viewed and captured as accurately as possible.
  3. Optical Character Recognition (OCR) can be used to convert a page at a time to searchable text while viewing the microfilm, or to convert to searchable PDF document.

The ST ViewScan II turns your archives into a more dynamic, accessible and user-friendly resource for researchers of all ages!

If you would like to learn more about The ST ViewScan II, please read our previous blog post or contact Micro Records Company, Inc. by calling 877-410-SCAN or visit!

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