ImageSilo® is a secure, cloud-based enterprise level document management system that will change the way you do business!
ImageSilo is an amazing software program created by Digitech Systems. ImageSilo is well-loved for having five intricate layers of security, detailed backup systems to prevent data loss, and many redundant systems to prevent catastrophic failure. ImageSilo is one of the most effective and popular Software as a Service (SaaS) enterprise content management (ECM) solutions on the market. Why is ImageSilo such a smart choice for many businesses?
Excellent Data Security
It is critical to protect your data properly in this ever-evolving world. Many high-profile cases of malware and hacking in the past few months have shown the continued need for effective cyber security solutions. It is very easy to have data slip through the cracks in a system, so ImageSilo provides many different security features to protect vulnerable data in the event of a disaster. ImageSilo has SSL encryption along with many different administrative controls. A 24/7 system monitoring protects all of your important data.. If you need to track compliance in your industry, ImageSilo can also track that for you on the back end.
Cost Effective
ImageSilo offers you a higher level of management at a lower price, so it is an effective Saas ECM solution for many different businesses. It gives you near-instant online access to all of your information, so you don’t need to worry about a higher level of organization meaning a longer amount of time to get things done. ImageSilo is also a scalable solution so that you can increase your amount of storage over time and pay for it gradually instead of all at once. You do not pay per user but per gigabyte of storage that you utilize.
It’s Easy to Get Started
ImageSilo is incredibly easy to set up for your office. You won’t need any extra IT staff to get it up and running and operating the system is as easy as logging in. It’s a simple interface that easily integrates with your Microsoft Office suite for added convenience. ImageSilo can also work with over 250 file formats so that it can be used in many industries with ease.
Micro Scanning for Your Office from Micro Records
Micro Records can help your business transition to a paperless way of life with quality e-forms and technology. For more information about how we can help your business utilize proactive monitoring, transition to doing things digitally, get rid of sensitive documents securely, or benefit from new technology solutions, visit us online or give us a call at (877) 410-SCAN. For more tips on transitioning your business to paperless technology and going green, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, and Flickr.