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Best Practices to Follow in Digital Document Management

Best Practices to Follow in Digital Document Management

Let’s take a look at how you and your employees can make running your digital document management system as smooth as possible.

As digital document storage and management becomes more important to modern business, keeping up with best practices is imperative to the success of the program. Every business that implements digital document management is going to run into problems at some point – and following best practices will allow your business to keep those potential pain points to a minimum. Let’s take a look at how you and your employees can make running your digital document management system as smooth as possible.

Consistent Structure

There are two levels of consistency that are worth mentioning in particular here. The first is folder structure. When you had your old filing cabinets, it’s likely that you used to have to keep documents organized by filing folder. It’s no different with digital documents. While a good piece of software can help you find documents that you need with a search function, having a consistent folder structure can help make searches more accurate. The second level of consistency is the conventions for naming documents. A lot of businesses have trouble with having a set of best practices for naming the documents that go into the systems. Some of this consistency can be set at the scanning level, but ensure that it is uniform throughout the process.

Granting Access to Files

For many businesses, document scanning will invariably lead to confidential information going into their digital archives, and this needs to be managed carefully per legislation. Access to customer data, medical records, or financial information needs to be doled out carefully and only to the people in the company who need it – ideally, it would only be accessible when it is needed. Your cybersecurity team will need to make sure their access tools are robust and traceable – this helps documents and sensitive information stay protected.

Sharing Files in a Secure Fashion

Email is among the most common ways that businesses share information, but it is also one of the least secure ways. And this is a problem when sensitive or protected data is involved. Data will need to be shared in order for your business to run – ensure that your security team has a policy in place that governs how files can be shared securely. Your document management software may even have this functionality included which may make the job a lot easier.

Have Questions? Micro Records is Here to Help

If you have more questions about digital document management, Micro Records is here to help you with all of your needs. We can help transition you to a paperless way of life with outstanding e-forms and technology. For more information about how we can help you implement your new document management software, visit us online or give us a call at 877-410-SCAN. For more tips, tricks, and to see what we have been working on, be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and YouTube.

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