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Document Scanning Mistakes to Avoid

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Know what to avoid when scanning your documents

Document scanning remains a fundamental operation for organizations. When properly deployed and kept up to date, an electronic document management system can be cost efficient and can offer a quick turnaround.  When implementing a document management system there are some common mistakes that can easily be avoided. Today, we will look at the most common mistakes to avoid when it comes to the scanning of your documents.

Know the Features of your Scanner

Not all scanners are created equally. When buying a scanner, look for functions and features that will save you a lot of time. Things such as enhanced image clean-up will help with highlighted documents, color paper, etc. Duplex scanning mode will allow you to scan both sides of the paper in a single pass. And auto-rotate, or auto image orientation, will attempt to automatically rotate each image the right way saving you the hassle of doing so pre-or post-scanning. The importance of scanner maintenance can never be stressed enough. Documents can be dusty and gummy, and toner may not fuse properly to the paper.  These issues can lead to residue being left on your scanner which will impact every image after it. Clean your scanner regularly. If your scanner comes with operator exchangeable rollers make sure you are changing them as per the recommended schedule.

File Archiving

Many scanned documents end up in a disorganized mess on your hard drive or network. Over time, this mess will become so unmanageable that you will simply procrastinate on the issue. You may pray those digitized documents will just ‘sort themselves out’. Other people may over rely on optical character recognition technology in an attempt to ‘automate’ the document indexing process, despite the inherent inaccuracy of this technology. Instead, devise a suitable file archiving system where your documents can permanently reside aiding the document retrieval process.

Record Management for Your Office from Micro Records

Micro Records can help your business transition to a paperless way of life with quality e-forms and technology. For more information about how we can help your business utilize proactive monitoring, transition to doing things digitally, get rid of sensitive documents securely, or benefit from new technology solutions, visit us online or give us a call at (877) 410-SCAN. For more tips on transitioning your business to paperless technology and going green, follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedInGoogle+YouTube, and Flickr.

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