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Enterprise Content Management for Maryland Retail Stores

ECM for RetailThere are currently about 4.6 million people working retail jobs. The retail industry is gigantic and grows a little bit more every year due to the consumer society that we live in. With the amount of people who work in retail and shop in retail stores, a lot of paperwork gets generated. There are bills, invoices, customer information, inventory, and more to keep track of. Companies that have tried enterprise content management (ECM) have found that it makes keeping track of paperwork and improving customer service exponentially easier. Check out some of the results that one company found:

  • 85% less time to collect customer data – imagine how much of a difference this can make for your company. Instead of spending 5 minutes trying to find a customer’s history and preferences, you can spend a minute or less collecting the information, and more time actually focusing on customer service. Since taking care of the customer is what the retail industry is all about, extra time is a huge benefit.
  • 325 more productive hours monthly – When employees spend more hours being productive and less time searching through paperwork and outdate files, a retail store runs better, looks nicer, and has better customer service. If employees don’t have time to take care of the store because they’re busy searching high and low for something that may not even exist anymore, you’re losing precious time that could be spent with customers or clients. More hours spent on productive activities also means more money in your pocket.
  • Estimate of $45,000 in savings per year – What could you do for your business with an extra $45,000? Could you expand? Possibly add someone to your staff to take better care of customers? There are so many things that you can do to better your store with an extra $45,000 per year to benefit yourself and your employees. The money you’re saving is cumulative from a few things. Having more productive hours, quicker customer service, and saving on office supplies is where you’ll see most of your benefits.

Owning a store or working in the retail industry can be extremely stressful, especially if it’s not properly organized. The best way to make sure that everything is in order and stays in order is to invest in a comprehensive ECM system from DigiTech systems. It allows you to safely organize documents so that they’re easy to locate and modify when necessary.

Interested in learning more about ECM for retail from DigiTech Systems for your Maryland retail store? Micro Records Inc. is here to assist! We know how to help you find what you’re looking for and help you to implement it. If you have any questions for us, please give us a call at 877.410.SCAN or visit our website today. We look forward to helping you streamline your information!

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