As a business with over 50 years of experience, Micro Records offers services like STERI-Book systems that help you maintain the hygiene of your records.
As a business with over 50 years of experience, Micro Records offers services like STERI-Book systems that help you maintain the hygiene of your records. Properly disinfecting equipment and paperwork is essential in the time of COVID. As more of the population becomes fully vaccinated, the need for masks will lower, and we will all be exposed to the regular colds and cases of flu in our environments. Uphold a pristine level of hygiene by using our STERI-Book system. It uses UV-C rays to eliminate bacteria, mold, and viruses from all types of bound books. Additionally, the machine uses a highly-powered fan to remove crumbs, dust particles, and hair from the book. Even in the current digital world, books are used frequently as resources and record-keeping tools, so keeping them clean will benefit your business, library, school, or office.
Quick and Efficient, the STERI-Book System is an Excellent Disinfectant
Micro Records offers the STERI-Book System to commercial businesses, libraries, and other institutions to clean publicly-used books. The SB-601 Public model of the STERI-Book system can disinfect up to 12 books in a minute. This efficient process applies to miscellaneous objects as well. Although this model has not been studied on its effectiveness against COVID, other viruses and bacteria exist in the environment. Using sterilizing equipment will improve your community’s overall health regardless of its efficacy against COVID.
Used for More than Just Books
The STERI-Book SB-601 Public model effectively disinfects the most common materials you put into it. Intended for public use, the machine is easy to use and fast. The STERI-Book system can disinfect other items like cell phones, keys, magazines, books, writing utensils, purses, and more. 99% of bacteria and viruses are eliminated when you use this machine.
Public Use
Micro Records will provide you with the STERI-Book system, allowing your institution to save money on upkeep. We install the machine in a public area that is accessible to patrons, ensuring it gets used as often as possible. Because the STERI-Book system works quickly and efficiently, your users will use it regularly. Talk with our team of professionals to discuss where and when you would like to install it.
Have Questions? Micro Records is Here to Help
If you have more questions about document management software, Micro Records is here to help you with all of your needs. We can help your business to transition to a paperless way of life with outstanding e-forms and technology. For more information about how we can help you implement your new document management software, visit us online or give us a call at 877-410-SCAN. For more tips, tricks, and to see what we have been working on, be sure to follow us on Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube.