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Why Large Format Scanning is So Critical for Electronic Content Management Plans

Why Large Format Scanning is So Critical for Electronic Content Management Plans

Large format scanning is a vital part of any electronic content management plan.

For most businesses, the average document that needs to be scanned into the electronic content management system is on standard-sized paper. However, in some industries, that doesn’t cover all of their documents. Things like blueprints, drawings, medical imagery, and oversized contracts are just a few examples of the large format documents (over 18 inches) you may find you need to be able to store, access, and index digitally GPR your business. Even if you don’t have a need now, if there’s any chance you’ll have large format documents in the future, you need to choose an electronic content management plan that can handle scanning them. Here’s why.

Document Safety And Security

Depending on the types of documents you store and the procedures you have to follow, you may have to store hard copies in house (though likely somewhere out of the way, given their size), or you may be able to store them offsite. Either way, you need to have a digitized version that you can easily access, and that requires large format scanning. Choose the right provider, and they can quickly scan your documents so that they are perfectly readable and easily accessible, exactly when you need them.

Offsite Storage

If the policies surrounding your documents allow for off-site storage, scanning large format documents frees up space in the office. You don’t have to sacrifice access to your documents since they will be accessible in your content management system, and you will likely have an easier time finding what you need since they can be cross-indexed in a variety of ways.

Indexed Documents

Converting large format documents to digital copies allows you to easily index them with multiple criteria if needed, whereas physical storage is usually limited to a client name, date, or project title as the organizing method. Imagine being able to search through your company’s history of projects based on multiple factors instead of having to know exactly what you’re looking for before heading to the records room for a paper document.

Saved Time

Having access to a large format scanner to digitize your documents saves valuable time in a variety of ways. First, if you’re having a service do the scanning, you won’t have to dedicate a staffer to scanning, organizing, checking, and indexing all the documents. Second, regardless of who does the scanning, all of your staff will save valuable time when they need to find any document. Physically going to a records room and searching through files takes much more time than the equivalent of a google search through your content management system.

Have Questions? Micro Records is Here to Help

If you have more questions about document management software, Micro Records is here to help you with all of your needs. We can help your business to transition to a paperless way of life with outstanding e-forms and technology. For more information about how we can help you implement your new document management software, visit us online or give us a call at 877-410-SCAN. For more tips, tricks, and to see what we have been working on, be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and YouTube.

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