Microfilm had many benefits, including being incredibly compact, cheaper than making paper copies, and easy to use.
Paper takes up a huge amount of storage space, and electronic copies can become inaccessible if a power outage prevents computers and storage devices from turning on. What’s a business to do?
For a long time, the answer was microfilm – micro reproductions of documents for transmission, storage, reading, and printing. Take a moment to read about how microfilm used to help businesses, and how Micro Record is modernizing the medium.
History of Microfilm
Microphotography was first suggested as a document preservation method in 1851 after an exhibit on photography at the Great Exhibition in London, inspired an astronomer by the name of James Glaisher to argue for using microphotography to preserve documents. Microfilm was used throughout the 1900s for storage and preservation of documents by the Library of Congress, The New York Times, and universities like Harvard and Yale.
Modernizing Microfilm
While microfilms has many benefits – incredibly compact, cheaper than making paper copies, and easy to use – companies are beginning to move away from microfilm as a storage medium. Instead, they are taking their old microfilm archives and moving them into the digital world.
Micro Records has the capability to convert even the largest collections of microfilm into digital form. Whether it is source documents or engineer drawings, whether your collection is COM, Jacketed, or 105mm fiche, we can accomplish the task. The digitization process is designed to provide the utmost safety with regards to handling your original film. Your job is logged in, quality controlled before, during and after the scanning process. And the finished job is carefully packaged and sent back to you with your originals.
We can also provide microfilm viewers and workstations, for companies that want to continue maintaining their original collection.
Get Your Important Documents Scanned onto Microfilm
At Micro Records, our microfilm scanning process guarantees the utmost safety with regards to handling your original film. We make sure everything is handled with maximum care and quality before, during and after the scanning process. The finished job is carefully packaged and sent back to you alongside your originals in pristine condition.
Micro Records Company supports all major File Formats. From one microfilm viewer or workstation to an entire microfilm production and access network, Micro Records can give you everything you need, backed by the best service in the industry.
If you’re interested in microfilm scanning or any other digital document services please give us a call at 877.410.SCAN or visit our website today. We look forward to helping you streamline your information!
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