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Questions to Ask Before Buying an Enterprise Content Management System

Enterprise Content ManagementIf you’ve decided to take your business to the next level with an Enterprise content management system, through outsourcing to a third party or using an on-site Enterprise content management system, it’s important to understand what companies and products are trustworthy enough to reliably store your business’s valuable information. Micro Records, your digital Enterprise content management system provider, is here with some questions to ask to find out if the CMS you’re looking at is really worth the money.

Was This Software Built as a Cloud Solution?

Many vendors offer could-based Enterprise content management systems that are actually standard, off-the-shelf systems designed to be used by a single company (called “single tenant” systems) that have been crudely adapted to serve as a cloud solution. These systems often run into problems and are difficult to repair because A) the vendor did not design the system themselves and B) They must issue patches and fixes to each individual client rather than universally. True cloud systems are built from the ground up as “multi-tenant” systems where updates and fixes can be issued quickly and globally, offering better file security while being highly customizable.

What Are The Security Features?

A good Enterprise content management system provides built in security measures to keep your business’s information safe. Look for systems that provide encrypted passwords, administrator account lock-out capability, automatic session timeout, and data encryption. Superior Enterprise content management systems offer customer information protection (never locally storing customer data), IP address limiting, and multi-level verification (verifying a user’s security access with every single function call).

How is Information Accessed?

Make sure to avoid buying an Enterprise content management system where the web servers, which are visible to the world, offer direct access to customer data, document storage locations, or databases. Similarly, you should avoid systems where data is even stored on the same network as externally accessed systems, especially if it can be directly accessed via URL with no firewall or password. Even with those protections, it’s still inadvisable to store data that way.

Want An Enterprise content management System That Passes the Test?

Call Micro Records today. We’re proud providers of quality Enterprise content management systems like the secure, accessible, and cloud-based solution Imagesilo, and know how to find a Enterprise content management system that provides maximum security without compromising efficiency.

Call Micro Records today at 877.410.SCAN or visit our website today. We look forward to helping you streamline your information!

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