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Five Ways You Can Benefit from Document Imaging

Document Imaging

Turn this stack of files into one seamless digital database with document imaging by Micro Records.

With dozens of overflowing files cabinets and thousands of pieces of paper lying around, it is not difficult to imagine the frustration your employees may be feeling as they search for one specific document. No matter how hard you try to stay organized, when it comes to papers, your organization system can be thrown off by one missing file. So how can you get and stay organized? By hiring Micro Records for a document imaging service. Let’s take a look at how document imaging can help your business.


When you hire Micro Records for a document imaging service, your document will be accessible by doing a quick search in your custom database. This will allow your employees to find and save the document they need on their personal computer instead of having to search for the documents they need. They can even be accessed while working at home or in the field.

Increased Security

Even with a security system in your building, it is still possible for your business to have a break in. But with document imaging, all of your files are completely protected with state-of-the-art technology. Your files will be password protected and only accessible by authorized employees. With your system, you will be able to choose who has access to what documents. This will help prevent internal identity theft problems.

Automated Protection

Getting rid of sensitive information can be a bit difficult even if you have a shredder. But with a document management program, you will be able to get rid of sensitive information with the simple click of a mouse. Simply set a retention period for automatic monitoring or simply get rid of the information by yourself.

Reduce Costs

For companies with a file management staff, these employees could be relocated to a revenue generating position within your company once a document imaging service has been complete. With document imaging, your storage space could be converted into desk space or into a meeting room for your employees to invite clients into your office. For companies who are renting spaces or storing files, this could save you a lot of money on a monthly or annual basis.

Going green can also save you a lot of green with a document imaging service. For more information on converting all of your print files into digital files, call Micro Records today!

Benefits of Document Imaging Services by Micro Records!

No matter what kind of business you have, you want to spend your time working for your clients, not searching for paperwork. Micro Records can help you with that. Our products can get you on the right track. If you want to learn more about how we can help you to smoothly transition to the digital age, please contact Micro Records Company, Inc. by calling 877-410-SCAN or visiting!

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