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What You Need To Know About Document Imaging

Check out a few important facts about document imaging.

Check out a few important facts about document imaging.

Document imaging is essential for businesses today, as most offices opt for digital files over paper documents. Whether your company is moving towards a paperless office to be more eco-friendly or converting to digital documents to keep all records organized in one place, it’s important to know the following about document imaging.

Optical Character Recognition

A document scanner and its software are used to convert paper documents into a digital file, then integrate it into an electronic workflow. The software creates an image of the scanned document in whichever format you choose, but the computer will identify it as a picture rather than text. That is where Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software comes in, as it recognizes the text characters in the image and converts the file into a text document.


After the OCR processing is finished, the documents are indexed by using the full text or with metadata. Metadata is information that allows you to classify and organize a document, including the date, author, and other identifiers. Before the scanning process, documents may be attached with a barcode page that includes metadata, and the barcode indexer can use this information to index them immediately.

Benefits Of Document Imaging

Document imaging is essential for offices that are working towards being as paperless as possible, which will have a significant impact on the environment. It also helps to reduce storage in an office, as file cabinets are no longer needed. Having digital files streamlines workflow, as finding organized digital documents takes a fraction of the time as searching for papers in a file cabinet. This, in turn, results in significant cost reductions for companies, as well as business-process improvement.

In addition, digital documents are much safer and more secure than pieces of paper that can get lost at any time. Electronic records are backed up, ensuring that businesses will not lose essential files in the event of a building fire and flood.

Document Imaging for Your Office from Micro Records

Micro Records can help your business transition to a paperless way of life with quality e-forms and technology. Due to our companies outstanding 2017 sales, Digitech Systems has selected Micro Records Company as A 2018 Gold Star Partner!

Micro Records can help your business transition to a paperless way of life with quality e-forms and technology. For more information about how we can help your business utilize proactive monitoring, transition to doing things digitally, get rid of sensitive documents securely, or benefit from new technology solutions, visit us online or give us a call at (877) 410-SCAN. For more tips on transitioning your business to paperless technology and going green, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, and Flickr.

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