If you’ve decided to take your business to the next level with an Enterprise content management system, through outsourcing to a third party or using an on-site Enterprise content management system, it’s important to understand what companies and products are… Read More
Author Archive
How a Workflow System Can Benefit Your Baltimore Business
First off, what is workflow? At its core workflow and any sequence of activities required to complete a task. Every step in workflow has a specific order it occurs in and is often delegated to a specific person or team…. Read More
Benefits of Digital Document Storage for Maryland Medical Practices
Keeping accurate and easily accessible medical records can prove to be far more difficult than one might guess, wasting countless hours of manpower and space searching for and storing extensive physical copies of documents your Maryland medical practice will need… Read More
The Benefits of Outsourcing Data Entry for Your Business
Today, most major businesses operate across the digital/ physical boundary, interacting and managing physical and digital data. The process of digitizing physical data is important, it keeps your information together, secure, and easily accessible, but the task of converting this… Read More
The Benefits of Microfilm Scanning for Your Maryland Business
Invented by an Englishman named John Benjamin Dancer way back in 1839, microphotography (more commonly referred to as microfilm and microfiche) was used for decades as the primary method of document storage for newspapers, military secrets, and even computer code…. Read More
Run your Accounting Office Better with a Document Management System
Any accountant worth their salt knows the importance of finding any purchases return on investment. However, a surprising number of accounting firms have been reluctant to fully digitize their documents, or have forgone purchase of a document management system and… Read More
How Can a Hi-Res Book Scanner Benefit My Library?
It’s easy to love books. The sensation of flipping a page in a slightly musty tome is utterly unique. We all have our favorite volumes lying around the house or sitting in a place of honor on a shelf. But… Read More
Revolutionize your Document Management with the PaperVision Enterprise
Keeping track of your business’ documents and information is a messy, difficult task, requiring management, analysis and proper filing of multiple forms of electronic and physical data. It has to be done quickly and in a manner that will enable… Read More
What are the Advantages of Electronic Forms?
Whether you work in a doctor’s office, for an insurance company, or in customer service, chances are you’re going to need a form eventually. Forms are a great way to collect information and input it into a database. You can… Read More
What are the Benefits of Digital Document Solutions?
Have you ever noticed how papers have a tendency to go missing? You could have sworn that you put that paper back in its folder, but lo and behold, it is nowhere to be found. You’ve search all of the… Read More