The criminal justice system is one of the most important systems in the nation. Our police officers, judges, and prosecutors work to keep us safe on a daily basis. Criminal justice workers should never be so bogged down in paperwork… Read More
Archive for the ‘Enterprise Content Management (ECM)’ Category
Can the Healthcare Industry Benefit from Enterprise Content Management?
To answer this question, we’ll give you a simple yes. Any business can benefit from Enterprise Content Management (ECM), healthcare included. A lot of people don’t view healthcare as a business, but as more of a service. Medical practices still… Read More
What Can ECM do for your Law Firm?
Law firms are consistently busy places. Someone always needs more information and there is an absurd amount of paperwork needed for lawsuits and court proceedings. In the shuffle of things, it’s easy to lose a document or realize that you… Read More
What Can Enterprise Content Management do for your Real Estate Company?
The buying and selling of properties can be a stressful job, especially when you’re helping others buy and sell properties. There’s a lot of information to know and a lot of legal documents floating around. Keeping track of all of… Read More
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) for Maryland Public Schools
Schools require a lot of paper, simply to start as a student somewhere. Whenever a child transfers from one public school to another, parents are required to provide paperwork on medical records, school records, living situations, and more. All of… Read More
What is Enterprise Content Management (ECM)?
We throw the term ECM around a lot at Micro Record, but we realize that there’s a chance that you don’t actually know a whole lot of ECM; you probably are pretty knowledgeable about the benefits, but this week we… Read More
How Can Universities Benefit from Enterprise Content Management (ECM)?
If you’ve ever enrolled in college or seen someone enroll in college, you know how much paperwork is involved, simply to begin taking classes. There are numerous forms to fill out, both online as well as on paper. All of… Read More
Make Managing Forms Easier with DigiTech Systems and frevvo
No matter what business your in, there are sure to be forms to fill out. Your employees have to fill out I-9s, W-4s, and many other types of information forms. If you work in the medical industry or retail, many… Read More
Enterprise Content Management (ECM) for the Law Industry
Attorneys are some of the busiest and most important people around. They spend their time immersed in the nuances of the law. Upholding justice is a job that requires a lot of time and energy; this means that lawyers and… Read More
Encouraging Collaboration in the Workplace with ECM
Collaboration is one of the most important elements in the workplace, and with today’s technology, collaboration is becoming easier every day. In order for a team to stay healthy, become more organized, and move forward, they need an easy way… Read More