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How Document Scanning Can Help Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

How Document Scanning Can Help Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Document scanning can assist in cutting your carbon footprint.

Despite the recent growth in technology, paper consumption keeps growing. However, with document scanning, digital files not only make your records management much more sustainable but also more affordable and efficient. Read on to learn how document scanning can assist in cutting your carbon footprint. If you have any questions or concerns regarding document scanning or management, call Micro Records today!

How Scanning Creates Sustainable Record Management

When you decide to document scan and go paperless, you significantly cut back on your resource consumption. In turn, this helps you reduce your impact that document management has on the environment as a whole. By removing your need to use paper for daily tasks, document scanning helps to provide a reliable and sustainable solution for managing all of your records.

Helpful Facts on Paper Use

While technology is still a growing part of all businesses today, so is paper consumption. An estimated 2 percent of all the Earth’s greenhouse gases are the result of all paper products. There are a few essential statistics and facts on paper use to keep in mind when considering document scanning services.

  • It takes one tree to create up to 12,500 sheets of paper.
  • Paper makes up over 25% of all solid landfill waste.
  • The United States uses 65 million trees a year to make paper products.
  • The usual office worker uses as much as 10,000 sheets of paper per year.
  • As much as 20% of documents are lost or misfiled.
  • Documents are usually copied and printed 19 times on average.
  • Over 40% of copies are disposed within 24 hours.
  • As much as half of all paper files are discarded due to printing errors and mistakes.

No Need to Print Various Copies

With paper, every single time you need copies of documents to distribute for a meeting or to send out by mail, it requires more and more resources. When you start to scan files, though it only takes a simple right-click to create a digital copy, making scanning not only a more sustainable way to manage your files but also cheaper and faster. When you scan files through document scanning, it only takes a right-clock to create a digital copy, making it not only a more sustainable way to manage your files but also cheaper and faster.

Document scanning has various benefits, so highly consider it for your business!

Have Questions? Micro Records is Here to Help

If you have more questions about document management software, Micro Records is here to help you with all of your needs. We can help your business to transition to a paperless way of life with outstanding e-forms and technology. For more information about how we can help you implement your new document management software, visit us online or give us a call at 877-410-SCAN. For more tips, tricks, and to see what we have been working on, be sure to follow us on FacebookTwitterLinkedIn, and YouTube.

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