Document destruction is very important in various industries, as many companies print sensitive information that should not get into the wrong hands. Whether you are a scanning client; simply performing an annual document purge; or want a scheduled weekly pick… Read More
Posts Tagged ‘document destruction’
Types of Documents to Shred to Prevent Identity Theft
When someone mentions the phrase identity theft, we often think that it occurs when our information is stolen by people who hack into computers or our online communications. We try to come up with passwords that are so complicated that… Read More
Why Is Corporate Document Destruction Important?
As personal and corporate identity theft is happening more frequently, document destruction is becoming more and more critical for every business. Proper disposal of sensitive documentation protects your business, employees, and customers, and it is crucial to know the correct… Read More
3 Tips for Corporate Document Destruction
Many companies lose track of just how many sensitive documents they have, and don’t realize how many clients they could be compromising by simply throwing them in the trash. Security problems can occurs if companies recycle old documents that contain… Read More
Office Spring Cleaning: Why Document Destruction is Important
It’s nearly spring, and time to do some in office cleaning. Clean out the bathrooms, clean out kitchenette, and time to clean out your documents. Document destruction is key to running an efficient and successful business. Old documents are not… Read More