When it comes to document management and storage, there are various vital cornerstones to a well-put-together program—requiring a delicate and even balance between security, efficiency, and cost. Read on to learn more about how to evaluate document management programs and… Read More
Author Archive
A Guide to Solid Record Keeping and Document Management Within the Classroom
If you are a teacher or school staff member, you know how important it is to keep student records organized. There are a range of different things in the classroom that need consideration, like tracking attendance, creating daily lesson plans, and, most… Read More
How COVID-19 has Provided the Perfect Opportunity to Digitize Your Documents
Because of the Coronavirus (COVID-19), a large portion of the United States’ workforce is working from home. It’s essential that companies continue to focus on reliable communication and productivity tools. Additionally, this will help set up companies to thrive in the future…. Read More
A Guide to Large Format Scanning
If you are looking to scan and convert some of your larger documents, photos, or other projects, then large document scanning is for you. Large format scanning is the entire process of digitizing oversized documents while using an LFD scanner…. Read More
How Going Paperless Can Save Schools Money
While it may not seem like passing out a few worksheets in a single classroom is an unusually large amount of paper to use. Once you start taking factors like the amount of classrooms in a school, the days in… Read More
How to Tell Which Document Storage Service Works Best For You
So you have decided to go with a document scanning service for better management of your files and documents. So now what? You have many different options when it comes to picking which storage service is the best for you—knowing which one… Read More
Document Management and Data Security for Remote Workers during COVID-19
In the wake of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, governments all across the United States have encouraged business owners to let their employees work from home. While working remotely should help in preventing the spread of the deadly virus, it also… Read More
How the Medical Records Scanning Process Works
Medical records scanning, just like all other types of scanning, is an excellent way to improve records management. In addition to saving you space, you can also get access to features that make organizing your medical records easier than it… Read More
How Document Scanning Can Help Reduce Your Carbon Footprint
Despite the recent growth in technology, paper consumption keeps growing. However, with document scanning, digital files not only make your records management much more sustainable but also more affordable and efficient. Read on to learn how document scanning can assist… Read More
Which Documents Need Large Format Scanning?
For most document scanning projects, the average-sized scanner that is found in most homes, offices, or document management companies will get the job done. However, you may have an additional large document or picture that needs to be stored electronically…. Read More